Our Palliative care is intended to control or reduce symptoms of a chronic illnesses. Our goal is to help individuals have a higher quality of life while dealing with achronic illness. Pallative care is administered over a long period, and can help manage chronic illnesses. We take into account all aspects of a person’s experience living with a certain condition. In palliative care we do not only focused on treating an individual’s illnesses, but on providing patient education, emotional support to patients and caregivers and strategies for living well with a long-term condition.
Palliative care can be provided to individuals at any stage of their condition, including at the time of their initial diagnosis. Patients do not need to have been diagnosed with terminal conditions to receive palliative care.
Our palliative care program has been used to lower rehospitalization rates. Patients who may not qualify for the hospice benefit because their condition has not yet become terminal can recieve this support to help them reduce symptoms and have a higher quality of life. However mediacre does not cover pallative care.
Common Palliative Care Treatments
One of the most common palliative care treatments we experience with our patients is pain management. Accomplished by administering pain-relieving medicines like ibuprofen or acetaminophen or stronger drugs like morphine. We also help with Non-drug therapies, as a part of the pain management plan. These may include massage therapy, relaxation methods, music therapy, acupuncture, aromatherapy and Reiki.
Palliative care may also involve non-medical support for you and your family members. Emotional support, spiritual guidance and help navigating the health care system may be provided. If a patient is experiencing anxiety or depression as a result of illness, palliative care can help ease that condition, too.
- Advance directives care planning
- Legal issues Anxiety
Loss of appetite
Medical and insurance forms
Questions of faith
Difficulty breathing